School Budget Vote and Annual Election May 21, 2024

Total Budget: $27,749,365, Increase of $577,105, +2.12%

Tax Levy: $8,375,000, Decrease of $150,000,  -1.76%

Tax Rate: $14.509 per $1,000 of assessment, estimated

UPDATED TAX RATE 5/12/2024- $12.30 per $1,000 of assessment

Levy meets NYS Tax Cap: Yes

Program/ staff changes: continuation of Pre-K, Summer School, and other extended learning programs.

Proposition II: Buy three buses not to exceed $495,000

Proposition III: Establish a Capital Reserve Fund (max. ten year term)  not to exceed $2 million lifetime funding cap.

School Board candidates (two five-year terms): Andrew Durrin and Claudine Clark 

Vote: Noon to 8pm., Middle High School Cafeteria 

Proposition #3 When you vote this year there will be a 3rd proposition included on the ballot.  In addition to the traditional propositions for the approval of the general budget spending plan and a transportation related purchase, you will find a proposal to establish a Reserve Account for a future Capital Project.  This Capital Project Reserve Account is being established with a proposed savings limit of $2,000,000.  The goal is to possibly add money over time from our available reserves in an effort to establish funding that can be used to offset the cost of the next Capital Project.  No money is being placed in this reserve account as a result of the vote on this proposition.  This proposition simply allows for the establishment of this account as a possible placeholder for reserve money that can be used towards the expenses of a future project.